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  • 佐々木 歩〔 AYUMU SASAKI 〕

  • 1986’ 栃木県出身

  • 1998’ 芸能、特にアイドル・アーティスト(業界)に関わり、主に撮影、企画立案、イベント運営制作に携わる。

  • 2007’ 集英社、小学館などで女性向けファッション雑誌制作に携わる。同時期に師匠と出会い、弟子入りしプロカメラマンへ。押切もえ、蛯原友里、桐谷美玲などのトップモデル撮影をはじめとした著名人をこれまでに多数撮影。

  • 2012’ 独立。

  • 写真・映像制作を主としたクリエイティブチーム佐々木写真製作所 TWINKLE STARTS設立。同時にモデルエージェンシー LUNAR-models 設立。ファッションモデルの育成にも乗り出す。

  • 業界の需要に応えスチル撮影のみでなく動画撮影、編集なども積極的におこなう。

  • 2017’ アイドル・アーティスト雑誌 UNITを創刊。創刊メンバー。企画立案、制作、取材、デザイン、撮影を担当。

  • 2019’ アイドル・アーティスト雑誌 UNIT vol.2 制作。企画立案、制作、取材、デザイン、撮影を担当。

  • 2022’ー2024’

  • 人物写真を中心にファッション撮影、アー写、ジャケ写、ライブ写真などを撮影し続けてます。出会った全ての人に感謝し、精力的に活動中!!

  • Ayumu Sasaki [AYUMU SASAKI]

  • 1986'from Tochigi prefecture

  • 1998'Involved in performing arts, especially idol artists (industry), mainly involved in photography, planning, event management and production.

  • 2007'Engaged in the production of fashion magazines for women at Shueisha, Shogakukan, etc. At the same time, he met his master and became a disciple and became a professional photographer. He has shot many celebrities including top model shoots such as Moe Oshikiri, Yuri Ebihara, and Mirei Kiritani.

  • 2012'Independent.

  • Established TWINKLE STARTS, a creative team focusing on photography and video production. At the same time, the model agency LUNAR-models was established. We will also start training fashion models. In response to the demands of the industry, we actively shoot not only stills but also movies and edits.

  • 2017'Idol artist magazine UNIT launched. In charge of planning, production, design and photography.

  • 2019'produced the idol artist magazine UNIT vol.2. In charge of planning, production, design and photography.

  • 2022'ー2024

  • I continue to take fashion photography, Ah photography, jacket photography, live photography, etc., focusing on portrait photography.

パッケージデザイン制作 や 写真撮影業務 を経験。高校在学中はイラストレーションを学。手書きとデジタルペイントにてイラストを制作。パッケージデザイン、DTPを学、広告物の製作をしていた。同時期にWEBデザインも学。

While attending high school / vocational school

Experienced in package design production and photography work. Studied illustration while in high school. Create illustrations by handwriting and digital painting. He studied package design and DTP, and produced advertisements. At the same time, he also studied web design.​


1998-2000 【Idol artist management era】

Around this time, while attending Tokyo, he became deeply involved in the entertainment industry, especially the idol industry. In addition to production, he is involved in shooting, planning, event management, and idol management. The ones we came up with were [Introduction of cheki to product sales] We used the instant film camera "cheki" released at that time to shoot with fans on the spot, and devised a product sales form to hand over and introduced it for the first time. [Research Student] We devised and introduced a "mechanism" that builds the form of the main idol "research student", asks fans to support us before making our debut, and makes them stand on the stage in the "selection group" depending on their popularity. [Point card system] Introduced the point card (members card) system for the first time in the sale of idols.


18歳 上京【グラフィックデザイナー・駆け出しフォトグラファー時代】
写真活動と並行して、都内広告代理店にて、グラフィックデザイナーとして紙媒体をメインに、広告物の制作に携わる。主に国内外リゾートやTDR / TDLなどのポスター、パンフレットなどを担当。アイドルのフライヤー、グッズの企画デザインを担当。

18 years old moved to Tokyo [Graphic designer / fledgling photographer era] * In the idol industry in the Shinjuku / Shibuya / Akihabara area during this period

In parallel with his photography activities, he is involved in the production of advertising materials, mainly on paper media, as a graphic designer at an advertising agency in Tokyo. Mainly in charge of posters and pamphlets for domestic and overseas resorts and TDR / TDL. In charge of planning and designing idol flyers and goods.

主に集英社、小学館などの女性向けファッション雑誌制作に携わる。同時期に写真家の師匠と出会い弟子入りし〝商業プロカメラマン〟へ叩き上げられる。専属アシスタント( 直アシ )として、著名タレントの撮影( 広告・CM )などの現場を経験。
・ 商品撮影においても専門的な撮影技術を修得 ( Mens-Ex , DIME , BE-PAL など )
・デジタル、4×5フィルムカメラ Sinar、富士フイルム GX680III Professional、CONTAX 645による人物、商品撮影
・小学館《 Cancam , Domani , DIME , BE-PAL 》など
・集英社《 BAILA , non-no , MORE , SPUR , MEN’S NON-NO 》など

21 years old [Magazine production / photographer apprenticeship]

Mainly involved in the production of fashion magazines for women such as Shueisha and Shogakukan. At the same time, he met a photographer's master and became a disciple and was beaten up by a "commercial professional cameraman". As an exclusive assistant (direct assistant), he has experience in shooting famous talents (advertising / CM).

・ Acquired specialized photography techniques in product photography (Mens-Ex, DIME, BE-PAL, etc.)

・ Digital, 4x5 film camera Sinar, Fujifilm GX680III Professional, CONTAX 645 for people and product photography

・ Experienced working in studios of publishers and Toho studios for people and product photography with multi-lamp lighting, making full use of 1 to 12 strobes. Acquired specialized studio work.

・ Shogakukan 《Cancam, Domani, DIME, BE-PAL》 etc.

・ Shueisha 《BAILA, non-no, MORE, SPUR, MEN ’S NON-NO》 etc.

写真・映像 制作を主としたクリエイティブチーム【 LUNAR-model’s( ルナモデル )】結成。業界の需要に応え、スチルだけでなくムービー撮影・編集なども積極的におこなう。

24 years old [Independence, establishment of modeling agency, photographer activity]

Formed a creative team [Lunar-model's] that mainly produces photographs and videos. In response to the demand of the industry, we actively shoot and edit movies as well as stills.


写真撮影・映像制作事業を【 佐々木写真製作所 TWINKLE STARTS 】とし、MODEL事業を【 LUNAR-model's 】へ組織編成


Organized the photography and video production business into [Sasaki Photo Works TWINKLE STARTS] and the MODEL business into [LUNAR-model's]



「プロカメラマンFILE 2018 日本の写真の最先端を走るフォトグラファー」掲載(ボーンデジタル刊/カラーズ編集制作)



Published in "Professional Photographer FILE 2018: Photographer at the cutting edge of Japanese photography" (published by Bourne Digital / edited and produced by Colors) Launched an idol artist magazine in collaboration with Shurei Publishing. Responsible for everything from planning to production, design, and photography

2022ー2024年 現在
出会った全ての人に感謝し、精力的に活動中。ファッション・アイドル界をメインに、写真・映像( アパレル撮影全般、宣材、ライブ、イベント、楽曲ジャケット、PV・MVなど )の撮影制作をおこなう。


I am energetically active, thanking all the people I met. Focusing on the fashion and idol world, he shoots and produces photographs and videos (general apparel photography, publicity materials, live performances, events, music jackets, PV / MV, etc.).






株式会社Sound Drive



撮影で訪れた Live House , Club 一覧(現在は名称変更、閉館の場合あり)

汐留AX / Zepp Tokyo / Zepp DiverCity / 赤坂BLITZ / 渋谷公会堂 / 渋谷O-EAST / 渋谷O-WEST / 渋谷CLUB QUATTRO / 渋谷 duo MUSIC EXCHANGE / 渋谷WWW / 渋谷 club asia / 渋谷 RUIDO K2 / 渋谷Milky way / 渋谷TAKE OFF7 / 渋谷O-nest / 渋谷CLUB CRAWL / 渋谷Star lounge / 渋谷eggman / 渋谷CHELSEA HOTEL / SHIBUYA CYCLONE / GARRET udagawa / 渋谷DESEO/ DESEOmini / 渋谷o-crest / 渋谷WOMB / SHIBUYA-AX / 渋谷CLUB QUATTRO / 渋谷VISION / 渋谷REX / 渋谷DIVE / 渋谷star lounge / 渋谷GAME / 渋谷近未来会館 / GRIT at Shibuya / 代々木山野ホール / 六本木varit / 六本木morph-tokyo / 白金高輪SELENEb2 / 恵比寿CreAto / 目黒鹿鳴館 / HOLIDAY SHINJUKU / 新宿 RUIDO K4 / 新宿LOFT / 新宿motion / 新宿HEAD POWER / 新宿MARZ / 新宿JAM / 新宿SACT! / 新宿BLAZE / 新宿FACE / 新宿club SCIENCE / 新宿ReNY / 新宿FNV / 新宿ZircoTokyo / 新宿KeyStudio/ WARP SHINJUKU / 表参道GEOUND / 下北沢SHELTER / 下北沢ReG / 代官山 LOOP / 代官山UNIT / 恵比寿 LIVE GATE TOKYO/ 恵比寿CreAto / 目黒鹿鳴館 / 池袋CYBER / 池袋SOUND PEACE / 池袋RUIDO K3 / 池袋Live inn ROSA / 池袋 Big Bang Box / 大塚Deepa / 大塚Hearts+ / 初台 The DOORS / 秋葉原 COSMIC LAB / 秋葉原 TwinBoxAKIHABARA / 秋葉原 TwinBoxGARAGE / 秋葉原 CLUB GOODMAN / 立川BABEL / 川崎CLUB CITTA'/ 上野音横町 / 井の頭公園野外ステージ / 品川THE GRAND HALL / ヒューリックホール東京 / ディファ有明 / 新木場USEN STUDIO COAST / 表参道GROUND / 表参道Velours / 原宿アストロホール / ベルサール秋葉原 / LIQUDROOM / 吉祥寺CLUB SEATA / 中野サンプラザ / 東京キネマクラブ / 芝浦Studio Cube 326 / ML.濱書房 ...


愛本店 / ASHLEY -Tokyo- / FANTASY_GROUP / CLOVER GROUP / CORE -TOKYO- / GIORGIO / SINCE YOU… GROUP / ZERO GROUP / groupdandy / CRAZY GROUP / NEON / P’EARL / KG-PRODUCE / ISK Group / Dears Group / f-ism-group / MONSTER / U.K.O. Group / '$collection / R's Group / RAIN / GROUP / Gentleman'z Club / LiEN PURE / Club Amie / club Oscar / Donfun / cel plus ...

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